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Physical Therapy in Yosemite

The swollen Merced River flowing through the Yosemite Valley.

February through May I worked on my health while under the supervision of my doctors. Instead of having physical therapy inside staring at four walls, I did my exercises in the outdoors, in one of the worlds most iconic national parks, Yosemite. I followed the plan worked out for me by the physical therapists. My health improved dramatically.

I wrote the beginning of May "The hiking is building my body up faster than the physical therapy and it de-stresses me while doing it, I hiked in the Santa Monica Mountains this morning. I am testing new and lighter equipment. Have to keep the weight light to stay with in my doctors requirement, Constantly trying to improve the set up of my pack, and working out the bugs before leaving again. While I have put my backpack on a diet, I am loosing weight also. I'm building muscle and loosing inches. All from walking and taking pictures."

I researched ultra light equipment, studied mountaineering, and read everything I could about thru hiking. I made trips back to the city periodically for medical checkups. My doctor told me that hiking was working wonders for me and to go back out and come back in a few months. I headed for REI and began upgrading all my equipment, then dialing everything in. Armed with lighter and the most up to date gear, I returned to Yosemite for shake down treks.

I started by hiking the trails through the valley. Then I moved on to hiking up to Vernal and Nevada falls. This time from the valley floor. I took my time and photographed everything along the way, like the bridge above. As tourist season approached I moved to exploring Glacier Point. By the end of May I was set. Pack dialed in, physically healthy, and I had acquired my "trail legs". I was ready for the next part of my journey.


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