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My Journey

Many of you have asked that I publish my previous blogs of my 15 month journey through the wilderness of the west coast. I will be moving my journals to this website. I'll be combining them into a condensed format with several into each blog. My journey began in February of 2017 with no plan, no forethought, and no idea of where it would take me. I knew I had to get my health back but had no idea how to do it. After undergoing medical test, consultations, and treatment, my health care team approved an idea I had. Go hiking. I took off six months from work. That turned into a year, which in turned ended up with me quitting my job to continue my hiking. I brought my camera and photographed the sights I saw along the way. That year turned into 15 month living and photographing in the great outdoors. I logged over 3,000 miles on trails. That daily hiking made me regain my health and brought me an inner peace. The sights I photographed resulted in thousands of pictures. The people I met on trails like the Pacific Crest Trail, the Santa Monica Mountains Backbone Trail, the Rogue River Trail, and others were incredible. I earned the trail name Grizzly. I hiked along the U.S., Mexico border next to the border wall and met the border patrol and "minute men". I hiked in national and state parks. All of which led to what some would call a once in a lifetime experience. I will over the course of the next few weeks post blogs about that experience. I will also blog about my twelve week expedition hiking and photographing the Rogue River in 2019. Keep checking back for more tales and photos from the trail.



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