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A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins

"Embarking on a journey of healing and self discovery. To quote the ancient Chinese philosopher Lau Tzu 'a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step'. Today I take that first step. It won't be just a thousand mile journey, it will be much, much, more. I don't know where the path will take me or how long it will be. I will discover that over the coming weeks. Bags packed and there's no turning back now." I wrote those words before I left the city at sunrise. I was expecting to travel those thousand miles by car and spend some time hiking and photographing. I allocated four months with the option of possibly extending it to six. Ultimately that journey lasted 15 months and those hikes covered over 3,000 miles. That first month I visited Anza Borrego and Yosemite National parks. In Anza Borrego I hiked several trails and experienced the dramatic temperature changes. Mornings started at 38 degrees and by noon it was 93. My hikes were exhausting since it had been years since I had last walked on trails. Yosemite was cold and wet and often rainy. I wrote of those first weeks in Yosemite "Spent today in Yosemite. Rivers were at or above flood stage. The waterfalls are flowing more forcefully than in many years. Hiked along the river. Waded knee deep into the flooded areas to get some pictures. Glad I bought my wet weather gear.

"This year is one of the best in a very long time for Yosemite and it's reaching it's peak. Best of all I am here to experience it."

The Yosemite Valley floor flooded as the nearby Merced River overflowed it's banks.

Little did I know that I would spend over four months in the park and return many times over the next year. I would experiences all four season in Yosemite while camped in the elements. That time helped me develop my photographic skills and get me back in shape. It was also peaceful. Tourist season hadn't yet started and there were few people in the park. That meant that those people I did encounter were friendly and eager to talk to another park visitor.

I wrote this about my encounters "While most of the time the trails were empty but I did occasionally meet a few people on the trails I hiked with. One man had a great job visiting the national parks setting up the gift shops. He gave me a tip that Glacier Point would be opening soon and I was able to get up there before everyone else. Thanks for the tip!. And to the two young UCLA coeds I met on another trail, GO BRUINS!" After those first weeks I was hooked on hiking through Yosemite. I was getting strong and the hiking bug had bitten me. I began to upgrade my gear. I wrote after that first month "Wow! Equipment is expensive. Bought new hiking boots, socks, snow/water seal, and a shirt. Bill was nearly $500. The boots fit perfectly. Even with a blister and swollen foot I was able to wear them for a short two mile walk with no pain. I guess it pays to buy quality equipment. Best of all, everything was made in the USA." Little did I know then, that upgrading all my gear would cost so much more and that my journey would last so much longer.


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